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Learn the body parts in German

Understanding the names of body parts in German is not just about vocabulary; it’s a key to expressing yourself, discussing health matters, and navigating everyday situations in a new language.

Whether you’re making an appointment with a doctor, choosing the right attire and care products, or even expressing admiration for someone, having command over German body parts provides a foundation for effective communication.

In this guide, we’ll provide you with a detailed list of the most important body parts in German and their English counterparts to help you seamlessly integrate these German words into your everyday conversations.

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Parts of the human body as a vital part of our vocabulary

Dealing with language barriers is never fun but in certain situations, such as facing a medical emergency in a foreign country, it can even escalate from inconvenient to life-threatening.

So, knowing basic vocabulary to articulate information about your body in German, particularly indicating a body part where you feel pain or expressing concerns about a potential medical issue, can prove beneficial and could potentially be a matter of life and death.

For quick and easy reference, our overview of German words for the major body parts largely follows human anatomy and groups together related vocabulary, along with the article and plural form of each word so you can learn the gender at the same time.

Speaking of body and health issues, learn the history of Gesundheit to find out why English uses a German expression for “bless you”!

The major parts of the body in German

bodyDer KörperDie Körper
body partDas KörperteilDie Körperteile
headDer KopfDie Köpfe
torsoDer Oberkörper / Torso / RumpfDie Oberkörper / Torsos / Rümpfe
armDer ArmDie Arme
legDas BeinDie Beine
anatomyDie Anatomie Die Anatomien

How we talk about our head and face in German

cheekDie Wange, BackeDie Wangen, Backen
chinDas KinnDie Kinne
earDas OhrDie Ohren
ear lobeDas OhrläppchenDie Ohrläppchen
eyeDas AugeDie Augen
eyebrowDie AugenbraueDie Augenbrauen
eyelashDie WimperDie Wimpern
eyelidDas Augenlid, LidDie Augenlider, Lider
faceDas GesichtDie Gesichter
foreheadDie StirnDie Stirnen
hairDas HaarDie Haare
irisDie IrisDie Iriden
jawDer KieferDie Kiefer
lipDie LippeDie Lippen
mouthDer MundDie Münder
noseDie NaseDie Nasen
nostrilDas NasenlochDie Nasenlöcher
pupilDie PupilleDie Pupillen
scalpDie KopfhautDie Kopfhäute
skullDer SchädelDie Schädel

How we talk about parts of the torso in German

Adam’s appleDer AdamsapfelDie Adamsäpfel
backDer RückenDie Rücken
bellyDer BauchDie Bäuche
belly button (navel)Der BauchnabelDie Bauchnabel
breastDie BrustDie Brüste
buttocksDas Gesäß / der Hintern / der PoDie Gesäße / die Hintern / die Pos
chestDie BrustDie Brüste
hipDie HüfteDie Hüften
neckDer NackenDie Nacken
nippleDer NippelDie Nippel
pelvisDas BeckenDie Becken
shoulderDie SchulterDie Schultern
shoulder bladeDas SchulterblattDie Schulterblätter
waistDie TailleDie Taillen

How we talk about parts of the arms and legs

ankleDer KnöchelDie Knöchel
armpitDie AchselDie Achseln
archDer BogenDie Bögen
ball of the footDer BallenDie Ballen
calfDie WadeDie Waden
elbowDer EllenbogenDie Ellenbogen
index finger
middle finger
ring finger
pinky finger
Der Finger
Der Zeigefinger
Der Mittelfinger
Der Ringfinger
Der kleine Finger
Die Finger
Die Zeigefinger
Die Mittelfinger
Die Ringfinger
Die kleinen Finger
fingernailDer FingernagelDie Fingernägel
footDer FußDie Füße
handDie HandDie Hände
heelDie Ferse, HackeDie Fersen, Hacken
instepDer Spann, RistDie Spanne, Riste
kneeDas KnieDie Knie
kneecapDie KniescheibeDie Kniescheiben
palmDie HandflächeDie Handflächen
shinDas SchienbeinDie Schienbeine
soleDie SohneDie Sohlen
thumbDer DaumenDie Daumen
toeDer ZehDie Zehen
toenailDer ZehennagelDie Zehennägel
wristDas HandgelenkDie Handgelenke

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Human organs and inner body parts in German

abdomenDer UnterleibDie Unterleibe
adrenal glandDie NebenniereDie Nebennieren
appendixDer BlinddarmDie Blinddärme
arteryDie ArterieDie Arterien
bladderDie BlaseDie Blasen
bloodDas Blut
blood cellDie BlutzelleDie Blutzellen
blood vesselDas BlutgefäßDie Blutgefäße
boneDer KnochenDie Knochen
brainDas GehirnDie Gehirn
capillaryDie KapillareDie Kapillaren
cellDie ZelleDie Zellen
cervixDer GebärmutterhalsDie Gebärmutterhälse
circulatory systemDas KreislaufsystemDie Kreislaufsysteme
clitorisDie KlitorisDie Klitorides
coccyxDas SteißbeinDie Steißbeine
collar bone, clavicleDas SchlüsselbeinDie Schlüsselbeine
colonDer DickdarmDie Dickdärme
diaphragmDas ZwerchfellDie Zwerchfelle
digestive systemDas VerdauungssystemDie Verdauungssysteme
endocrine systemDas HormonsystemDie Hormonsysteme
esophagusDie SpeiseröhreDie Speiseröhren
fallopian tubeDer EileiterDie Eileiter
femurDer OberschenkelknochenDie Oberschenkelknochen
gallbladderDie GallenblaseDie Gallenblasen
glandDie DrüseDie Drüsen
groinDie LeisteDie Leisten
gumDas ZahnfleischDas Zahnfleisch
heartDas HerzDie Herzen
humerusDer OberarmknochenDie Oberarmknochen
immune systemDas ImmunsystemDie Immunsysteme
kidneyDie NiereDie Nieren
labiaDie SchamlippeDie Schamlippen
larynxDer KehlkopfDie Kehlköpfe
ligamentDas BandDie Bänder
liverDie LeberDie Lebern
lungsDie LungeDie Lungen
lymph nodeDer LymphknotenDie Lymphknoten
mandibleDer UnterkieferDie Unterkiefer
molarDer BackenzahnDie Backenzähne
muscleDer MuskelDie Muskeln
nerveDer NervDie Nerven
organDas OrganDie Organe
ovaryDer EierstockDie Eierstöcke
pancreasDie BauchspeicheldrüseDie Bauchspeicheldrüsen
penisDer PenisDie Penisse
pharynxDer RachenDie Rachen
poreDie PoreDie Poren
prostateDie ProstataDie Prostatae
rectumDer EnddarmDie Enddärme
respiratory systemDas AtmungssystemDie Atmungssysteme
ribDie RippeDie Rippen
skeletonDas SkelettDie Skelette
skinDie HautDie Häute
spineDie WirbelsäuleDie Wirbelsäulen
spleenDie MilzDie Milzen
sternumDas BrustbeinDie Brustbeine
stomachDer MagenDie Mägen
tendonDie SehneDie Sehnen
testicleDer HodenDie Hoden
thighDer SchenkelDie Schenkel
thoraxDer BrustkorbDie Brustkörbe
throatDie KehleDie Kehlen
thyroidDie SchilddrüseDie Schilddrüsen
tissueDas GewebeDie Gewebe
tongueDie ZungeDie Zungen
toothDer ZahnDie Zähne
tracheaDie LuftröhreDie Luftröhren
urethraDie HarnröhreDie Harnröhren
uterusDer UterusDie Uteri
uvulaDas ZäpfchenDie Zäpfchen
vaginaDie VaginaDie Vaginae
veinDie VeneDie Venen
vertebraDer WirbelDie Wirbel

Phrases involving body part names in German

Same as in English, German idioms often involve body parts or talk about the body. Here are a few choice examples which highlight how the two languages can use both similar and different expressions:

  • Hals über Kopf: The German equivalent to “head over heels” literally means “neck over head”.
  • Hand und Fuß: If something has both hand and foot in German, it’s solid and makes sense or is sensible.
  • Ins Auge fallen: The English equivalent would be “to catch someone’s eye”.
  • Die Finger von etwas lassen: In English, we keep our hands off something, whereas the Germans only refer to the fingers; the meaning stays the same!
  • Ganz Ohr sein: This one is parallel to English, as “Ganz ohr sein” means “to be all ears”.
  • Den Nacken / Die Ohren steif halten: To not lose hope, we keep our chin up in English and power through. Germans are all about keeping a stiff neck or stiff ears!
  • Kalte Füße bekommen: When you’re having second thoughts and want to back out off something, you’re getting cold feet. The German expression is the same.
  • Die Nase voll haben: When you’ve had enough of something, you can say that you have a full nose in German.
  • Sich ins Knie schießen: If you fire a shot against yourself by accident, you’re shooting yourself in the foot. The German version aims a little higher and shoot themselves in the knee!

There are more similarities and differences between German and English: have a look at the differences in grammar!

Why knowing the human body parts in the German language is helpful

Knowing body parts in German equips you with useful vocabulary you can employ not only when going to the doctor but also in everyday conversations when you talk about how you’re feeling, about your skills, movements, and people’ s looks.

Using our overview of German body parts, you’ll learn articles and plural forms at the same time. Talking about the human body can also help you with the German possessive pronouns and reflexive verbs.

Do you want to deepen your knowledge of conversational German? Continue learning with our overview of the most common German phrases!

FAQs related to this guide to German body parts

Here are also some of the questions people ask about German words related to the body

How do I learn vocabulary for body parts in German?

To learn vocabulary for body parts in German, focus on recognizing similarities between German and English terms. Many German words for body parts closely resemble their English counterparts.

Seeking immersive experiences, such as conversing with native speakers or watching German content related to health and anatomy, can also enhance your understanding and retention of the vocabulary.

What are the German words for the parts of the face?

Learning German vocabulary for facial features is made easier by recognizing the linguistic parallels with English. For instance, the German word “der Arm” corresponds to “arm,” “die Lippen” to “lips,” “die Brust” to “breast”, ”die Nase” to ”nose” etc.

So, you’ll find that many German words related to the face share common roots with their English counterparts.

How do we make the plural forms of body parts in German?

In German, to form the plural of body parts, generally add “-en” to the singular noun. For instance, “der Zeh” (toe) -“die Zehen” (toes). Another example is “das Auge” (eye) – “die Augen” (eyes) in the plural form.

Summing up: a learner’s guide to the body parts in German

In conclusion, learning all the body parts listed in our German guide will surely prove to be a rewarding aspect of learning the language, especially in situations where we might need to articulate concern about our health conditions.

By recognizing the linguistic parallels between German and English, such as “der Zeh” for toe and “die Zehen” for toes, learning German usually feels easier and less intimidating.

We hope that our guide can transform language learning from a daunting task into a navigable journey, empowering learners to express themselves effectively and navigate diverse linguistic contexts with ease.

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Jakob Straub

Jakob is a freelance writer in Barcelona, Spain, and his favorite books have pages all empty. As an expert storyteller, he publishes creative fiction in English and German and helps other authors shape their manuscripts into compelling stories. Thanks to an expertise in a wide range of topics such as writing, literature and productivity to marketing, travel, and technology, he produces engaging content for his clients. Apart from the escape that books offer, Jakob enjoys traveling digital nomad style and stays active with climbing and hiking. Find out more about him on his website or on Goodreads.
